Mag. Dr. Doris Leibetseder

Department of Education

Sensengasse 3a
1090 Vienna


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Curriculum Vitae

Doris Leibetseder is a lecturer in Gender Studies at several universities in Austria. She received EU-funding from Horizon 2020 (2017-2019), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA, Grant Agreement 749218), for her project ‘Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer and Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART’ at the the Centre for Gender Research, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

Curriculum Vitae


Bodily Interventions and Intimate Labour. Understanding Bioprecarity. Eds Gabriele Griffin and Doris Leibetseder. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020.

States of Reproduction: The Co-Production of Queer & Trans Parenthood. 2nd author Gabriele Griffin, Journal of Gender Studies 8 July, 1-16. 2019

Queer and Trans Reproduction with Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), in Europe, Special Issue, co-edited with Gabriele Griffin, Journal for International Women’s Studies 20/1, 2018.

Research areas

  • Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Ethics
  • Queer and Trans Studies 

Project description

The number of people seeking to reproduce using Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) is rising both globally and in Europe and yet, the regulation of access to particular ART procedures in different European states differs greatly and thus gives rise to cross border fertility travel. Achieving pregnancy via ARTs is not enough, further challenges arise in obtaining legal parenthood and citizenship status. The project entitled ‘Towards an Inclusive Reproduction and Parenthood despite COVID-19’ builds on previous EU funded research, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Fellowship ‘QTReproART’. Both studies depart from the premise that an adverse consequence of reproductive technologies is that access to ART and obtaining legal parenthood and citizenship is unevenly distributed among different parts of the population. Especially now during the Covid-19 challenges and obstacles in reproduction and parenthood for queer and trans people are intensified.