Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniel Tröhler

Department of Education
Sensengasse 3a
5th floor, room O5.16
A-1090 Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-46730
eFax: +43-1-4277-846730


Homepage: www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Troehler

Office hour:
on appointment. Registration by email is required and please include the topic you want to discuss!

Courses in current and past Terms

Research Focus:

  • Historical and comparative analysis of educational languages
  • Nation building and curriculum: The cultural construction of school subjects
  • Epistemology and knowledge
  • History and historiography of education
  • Globalization and Globalization theories in education

Publications: u:cris Portal


Tröhler D. Secularization, the Education of the Heart, and the Modern Nation-State: The Case of Swiss Reformed Protestantism and its European Resonance. In Buchardt M, editor, Educational Secularization within Europe and Beyond: The Political Projects of Modernizing Religion through Education Reform . Vol. 6. Berlin: de Gruyter Oldenbourg. 2025. p. 59-83 doi: 10.1515/9783111337975-004

Tröhler D. Nation-State: Living reference work entry. In Warf BL, editor, The Encyclopedia of Human Geography . Vol. 29. Springer Nature Switzerland: Springer Cham. 2024. p. 1-10 Epub 2024 Nov 12. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-25900-5_29-1

Tröhler D, Maricic V. Education and the Nation: Educational Knowledge in the dominant theories of nationalism. In Tröhler D, editor, Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building: Contributions of Comparative Education to the Understanding of Nations and Nationalism. 1 ed. London: Routledge. 2023. p. 7-33. (Oxford studies in comparative education). doi: 10.4324/9781003315988-2

Tröhler D, (ed.). Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building: Contributions of Comparative Education to the Understanding of Nations and Nationalism. 1 ed. London: Routledge, 2023. 288 p. (Oxford studies in comparative education). doi: 10.4324/9781003315988

Tröhler D. Introduction: Understanding Nationalism through the lens of education. In Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building: Contributions of Comparative Education to the Understanding of Nations and Nationalism. 1 ed. London: Routledge. 2023. p. 1-6. (Oxford studies in comparative education). doi: 10.4324/9781003315988-1

Tröhler D. Curriculum theory and education history. In Tierney R, Rizvi F, Ercikan K, editors, International Encyclopedia of Education: Volume 7. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 2023. p. 117–125

Tröhler D. The Nordic Education Model: Trajectories, Confgurations, Challenges. In Tröhler D, Hörmann B, Tveit S, Bostad I, editors, The Nordic Education Model in Context.: Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations. New York: Routledge. 2023. p. 1-12

Tröhler D, Piattoeva N, Pinar WF. Education, nationalism and the ordering construction of the world: (Introduction to the WYBE 2022). In World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Nationalism. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2022. p. 1-6

Tröhler D. Magical enchantments and the nation’s silencing. Educational research agendas under the spell of globalization. In Tröhler D, Piattoeva N, Pinar WF, editors, World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Nationalism. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2022. p. 7-27. (World yearbook of education , Vol. 2022).

Tröhler D, (ed.), Hörmann B, (ed.), Tveit S, (ed.), Bostad I, (ed.). The Nordic Education Model in Context: Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations. New York: Routledge, 2022. 368 p. (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series ). doi: 10.4324/9781003218180, 10.4324/9781003218180

Tröhler D, (ed.), Piattoeva N, (ed.), Pinar WF, (ed.). World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Nationalism. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2022. 290 p.

Tröhler D. Introduction: The Nordic Education Model in Context: Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations. In Tröhler D, Hörmann B, Tveit S, Bostad I, editors, The Nordic Education Model: Trajectories, Configurations, Challenges . New York: Routledge. 2022 doi: 10.4324/9781003218180