3. Guidelines for the submission of workshops or papers


3.1 Guidelines for the submission of workshops


Interested persons are invited to submit workshop proposals. Each workshop will take place on Friday, 6 September 2024, from 14:00 to 18:00. The workshops are intended to present

psychoanalytic research methods and/or
Ø  concepts and methods of teaching psychoanalysis at universities 


The four-hour workshops are designed to give participants an opportunity to learn about the characteristics and foundations of psychoanalytic research methods and/or concepts and methods of teaching psychoanalysis at universities.


Please provide the following information when submitting a paper:


Ø Title of the Workshop (in English or German)

Ø Information on whether the workshop is offered in English or German

Ø Abstract (in English or German, max. 250 words)

Ø Name and academic title of the workshop facilitator(s)

Ø Affiliation / affiliations:

Ø Postal adress:

Ø Mail adress:

Ø Telefone / cell phone number:


Send your proposal until August 12, 2024, to the following three addresses:


Ø wilfried.datler@univie.ac.at, bernadette.strobl@univie.ac.at, susanne.wiedermann@univie.ac.at


3.2 Guidelines for the submission of papers


Papers should be presented in English. Each paper presentation will have 25 minutes of presentation time and 20 minutes of discussion time. Submissions concerning the following topics are welcome:


Ø Historical comments on the relationship between psychoanalysis and the university

Ø Psychoanalytic curricula and programes offered at Universities

Ø Limitations of teaching psychoanalysis at universities

Ø Experiences of psychoanalytic institutes and associations that cooperate or have cooperated with universities

Ø The significance of psychoanalysis for academic disciplines (medicine, psychology, educational science, sociology, theology, philosophy, cultural studies, etc.).

Ø The reception of psychoanalysis in various academic disciplines (medicine, psychology, educational science, sociology, theology, philosophy, cultural studies, etc.).

Ø The impact of university research on psychoanalytic practice 

Ø Psychoanalytic perspectives on understanding the university as an organization

Ø Psychoanalytic perspectives on understanding teaching and learning processes in Universities

Ø Psychodynamic resistance and substantial concerns about the reception of psychoanalysis in university disciplines

Ø Concepts of psychoanalytic research at universities

Ø Students' experiences with the teaching of psychoanalysis at universities


Please provide the following information when submitting a paper:


Ø Title of the paper (in English)

Ø Name and academic title of the presenter(s)

Ø Abstract (in English, max. 250 words):

Ø Affiliation / affiliations:

Ø Postal adress:

Ø Mail adress:

Ø Telefone / cell phone number:


Send your proposal until August 12, 2024, to the following three addresses:


Ø wilfried.datler@univie.ac.at, bernadette.strobl@univie.ac.at, susanne.wiedermann@univie.ac.at