Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Swertz, MA
likes his coffee as a Viennese melange.
Head of the Vienna Media Education since September 2004
Professor of media pedagogy
Section for education, biography and media
Department of education
E-Mail: christian.swertz@univie.ac.at
Homepage: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/christian.swertz/
Phone: +43-1-4277-46741
eFax: +43-1-4277-846741
3rd floor, room 03.05
Sensengasse 3a
1090 Wien
Appointments for our consultation hour can be arranged!
Consultation hour will take place in a virtual space.
You may contact Ms. Scheidl per mail for arrangement!
Consultation hour: Monday, starting at 3 p.m.
Please contact Ms. Scheidl (sonja.scheidl@univie.ac.at, +43.1.4277.46811) to arrange an appointment.
Current projects: Medienimpulse
Closed projects: Herbsttagung der Sektionen Medienpädagogik der DGfE und der ÖFEB, ACCORD, Praxeologien und Homöostasen, Avalon, Bewusst Mobil, Ecodesign, E-Learning Strategie Entwicklung, Elf/18, FOPA, Game Assisted Öko-Learning, InMeLi, Intuitel, KICO, Lancelot, LD-Skills, Lessons Learned, Mediengarten, STEP-Online, Verständlich schreiben, MiVA
Curriculum Vitae
1994: Master in Education, Information Science and Psychology
1994 - 1997: Trainer in applied computer science
1995 - 1998: Lecturer at the University Bielefeld
1996 - 2000: AMMMA Gmbh. Project Manager
2000: PhD about Computer and Bildung
1999 - 2001: Research Project L3
2001 - 2004: Scientific Assistant at the University of Bielefeld
since 2004: Professorship for Media Pedagogy at the University of Vienna