Lancelot - Language learning with certified live online teachers

Coordinator: Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Swertz

Team: Mag.a Katharina Toifl, Mag.a Rosa Schultz, Mag.a Sabine Werther, Dipl. Päd. Carmen Heidenwolf, Mag.a Jennifer Berger (various assistants of different project)

Principal: EU - Leonardo Da Vinci [Outdated link]

Duration: 2005-09 - 2007-09

Homepage: Lancelot


LANCELOT aimed at the promotion of online language learning through the professional development of "live online language teaching". Live online language teaching is language tuition held in virtual classrooms via Internet, "face-to face" with a teacher. This teaching approach offers European citizens, who are learning languages for private or professional reasons, the opportunity to learn from the comfort of their homes or offices without the loss of time incurred in cost-intensive travelling to a traditional classroom. The LANCELOT project established a certification on a national and European level for Live-Online Language Teacher. Language teachers with this qualifiction will have a competitive advantage in the market increasing both their employment opportunities and their mobility within the Union.
To establish a live online training on a European level requires the cooperation of different project partners. As far as LANCELOT is concerned the following partners collaborated.

  • University of Vienna

  • University of Manchester

  • University of Ankara, TÖMER

  • Danmarks Pedagogiske Universitet

  • International House

  • let's talk online

For more information visit the Homepage.


  • a manual for the live online language teacher, providing guidelines on how to acquire skills necessary to teach languages in virtual classrooms (pedagogy/ methodology/ technology)

  • a guide for the teacher trainers who support the language teachers on their way to becoming professional live online language teachers

  • a certificate, documenting the qualification acquired in the LANCELOT training course

Swertz, Christian; Schultz, Rosa; Toifl, Katharina (print in progress): Language Teaching in Live Online Environments. The LANCELOT approach. (erscheint in: de Cassia, Rita; Morriott, Veiga; Torres, Patricia Luipon (Ed.): Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition)

Swertz, Christian; Frick, Eva (2009: Measuring Intercultural Pedagogical Differences expressed by teachers in an Educational Metadata System. Resultus from an International E-Learning Project. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii international conference on education. University of Louisville, Pepperdine University, California State University: Honolulu, p. 3537-3544.