Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabine Grenz (Priv.-Doz.)
Ass.-Prof. for interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Since 2020 Sabine Grenz is Ass.-Prof. for Gender Studies in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education as well as the Faculty of Social Sciences. Additionally, Sabine Grenz is Assoc. Prof. (Priv.-Doz.) for Gender Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. From 2017-2020, she was Univ.-Prof. for Gender Studies at the University of Vienna. From 2015-17, she was Acting Prof. for Diversity Research at the University of Göttingen (2015-17).
Office hours:
Due to Covid-19 all office hours are held via telephone or video conference. For appointments, please, contact Patricia Stuhr (
Note for students:
If you are interested in MA examination, Prof. Grenz expects prior knowledge of gender studies and recommends attending courses from Prof. Grenz.
Students, interested in scientific/academic internships are always welcome. Please, contact Patricia Stuhr ( for further inquiries and an appointment.
Department of Education
Sensengasse 3a
2nd floor, room 02.08
A-1090 Wien
phone: +43 1 4277 46715
mobile: +43 664 60277 46715
Consultation hours:
to be arranged in advance through Patricia Stuhr (secretary) via E-Mail:
There are no consultation hours during lecture-free.
Courses taught at the University of Vienna
Publications, activities: u:cris
Teaching co-operations at the University of Vienna
This interdisciplinary professorship is assigned to the following three faculties: Faculty for Social Sciences, Philosophy and Education, Philological and Cultural Studies
Research interests
- Qualitative empirical methodology (especially discourse analysis)
- Gender methodology and epistemology
- Gender, diversity and intersectionalit
- Gender, secularism and religion
- Gender and sexuality/sexualities (especially in connection with commercial sexuality)
- Historical perspectives on gender constructions
- Institutionalisation and history of Gender Studies
Current academic positions
- Head of the Gender Research Office and (Vice-) SPL MA Gender Studies (
- Deputy Head of the Department of Education
- GENDER. Journal for Gender, Culture and Society: member of the editorial board (
- Open Gender Journal: member of the editorial board (
- Research platform GAIN: member of the steering committee (
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Recent Publications
Annette Henninger, Denise Bergold- Caldwell, Sabine Grenz, Barbara Grubner, Helga Krüger-Kirn, Susanne Maurer, Marion Näser-Lather, Sandra Beaufaÿs (Hrsg.), 2021, Mobilisierungen gegen Feminismus und ‚Gender‘. Erscheinungsformen, Erklärungsansätze und Gegenstrategien, GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft 6
Download in open access:
Annette Henninger, Denise Bergold- Caldwell, Sabine Grenz, Barbara Grubner, Helga Krüger-Kirn, Susanne Maurer, Marion Näser-Lather, 2021, "Mobilisierungen gegen Feminismus und ‚Gender‘. Erscheinungsformen, Erklärungsansätze und Gegenstrategien“, in GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft 6, S. 9-24
Bibliographie: En, Boka/Grenz, Sabine, 2021: Beate Kortendiek/Birgit Riegraf/Katja Sabisch (Hrsg.), 2019: Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 1556 Seiten. 149,99 Euro" [Buchrezension]. GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 21 (1), S. 157–159.
Online: Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft (
Benthaus-Apel, Friederike/Grenz, Sabine/Bücker, Nicola/Eufinger, Veronika/ Schöll, Albrecht, 2017, Wechselwirkungen: Geschlecht, Religiosität und Lebenssinn. Qualitative und quantitative Analysen anhand von lebensgeschichtlichen Interviews und Umfragen, Münster: Waxmann
Publications (pdf)
Completed PhD dissertations
- Gayani Mitra, "Risks and disruptions during commercial surrogacy in India", University of Göttingen (second supervisor)
- Ráhel K. Turai, "Shifting Gender in Desire. Narratives of bisexually changing attraction, practice, and subjectivity in present-day Hungary", CEU Budapest (3-month research stay, Humboldt University Berlin)
Ongoing PhD dissertations
- Dominique Bauer:"Time to Step it Up for Gender Equality": Geschlechter*verhältnisse in der islambezogenen Lehre an Universitäten im deutschsprachigen Raum.
- Boka En, "Means for changing the world: Queer feminist activists, academics, and knowing/ acting”, co-supervision with Ulrike Felt, University of Vienna
- Kris Vera Hartmann, "Zwischen Emanzipation und Optimierung. Hormonelle Verhütung im Spannungsfeld von Wissen, Körper und Geschlecht", University of Göttingen (second supervisor)
- Jana Lou Herbst, Aus Fehlern (ver)lernen: "Das (Un)Mögliche – diversitätsorientierte und diskriminierungssensible Organisationspraxis. Eine Analyse und Vergleich von zwei Organisationen"
- Neda Hodaei, "Beyond the Veiled Women: An Exploration of Embodiment During Labour and Birth Amongst Middle Eastern Women in German Context", Humboldt University Berlin (first supervisor)
- Ksenia Meshkova, "Intimate Partner Violence in Modern Russia", Humboldt University Berlin (first supervisor)
- Eva Schwarz, "Gaps in der klassischen Musiklandschaft – Werdegänge von Orchestermusiker_innen in Österreich aus intersektionaler Perspektive", co-supervision with Doris Ingrisch, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
u:cris - publications Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Grenz
Geschlechtersoziologie. ed. / Eva Tolasch; Anna Buschmeyer; Sabine Grenz; Carolin Küppers. Paderborn: Brill Ferdinand Schöningh, 2025. (Soziologie im 21. Jahrhundert).
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter
Publications: Book
In: Religion & Gender, 2025.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Brill Ferdinand Schöningh, 2025. 90 p.
Publications: Book › Special Issue › Peer Reviewed
Sternberg Press, 2024. 168 p.
Publications: Book › Collection › Peer Reviewed
Gender and Postsecularity in Knowledge Production and Popular Culture. ed. / Sabine Grenz; Doris Guth; Boka En; Fatma Uysal. London: Sternberg Press, 2024.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2024. 320 p.
Publications: Book › Peer Reviewed
Gender and Postsecularity in Knowledge Production and Popular Culture. ed. / Sabine Grenz; Doris Guth; Boka En; Fatima Uysal. Sternberg Press, 2024. p. 9-19.
Publications: Contribution to book › Contribution to proceedings › Peer Reviewed
Gender and Postsecularity in Visual Culture and Knowledge Production. Sternberg Press, 2024. p. 121-156.
Publications: Contribution to book › Contribution to proceedings › Peer Reviewed
Transformation of Religion: interdisciplinary perspectives. ed. / Christian Danz; Jakob Deibl. Paderborn: Brill Ferdinand Schöningh, 2023. p. 87-109 (Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society, Vol. 25).
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
In: Berliner Blätter, Vol. 88, 16.02.2023, p. 117-133.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Geschlecht & Gewalt: Künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Perspektiven. ed. / Andrea Heinz. Praesens Verlag, 2023. (Diskurse, Kontexte, Impulse: Publikationen des Elfriede Jelinek-Forschungszentrums, Vol. 25).
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
Difficult Conversation: A Feminist Dialogue. ed. / Roisin Ryan Flood; Isabel Crowhurst; Laurie James-Hawkins. 1. ed. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
In: Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, Vol. 97, No. 1, 2023, p. 1-24.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
1 ed. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2022. 609 p.
Publications: Book › Collection › Peer Reviewed
In: European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol. 29, No. Suppl.1, 06.2022, p. 168S-177S.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Publications: Electronic/multimedia output › Web publication
Publications: Electronic/multimedia output › Radio show
Handbuch Intersektionalitätsforschung. ed. / Sabine Grenz; Astrid Biele Mefebue; Andrea Bührmann. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022. p. 1-15.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter
2022. (Gender - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft; No. 1, Vol. 14).
Publications: Book › Special Issue › Peer Reviewed