Teaching, learning, and educational professionalism
Contact: Evi Agostini and Johannes Reitinger
The focus of our research is the relationship between (1) principles, theories, and empirical research in education, (2) different modes of professional practice in education, and (3) the development of individuals, communities, institutions and organizations. We employ a broad approach towards education, and conduct research regarding both school-based education and related fields like aesthetic education, phenomenology and anthropology. Our research topics include e.g.:
- theory and practice of (inquiry-based) learning
- conceptualization and theorization of Bildung
- participatory learning and democratic education in secondary education and teacher education; emancipatory learning opportunities
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- professionalization in teacher education and teacher dispositions
- students’ research (undergraduate research)
- pedagogical reflection
- school improvement (research); innovative grading
Ongoing projects (selection):
Projekt „Professionalisierung von Pädagog*innen und pädagogischen Führungskräften durch Lernforschung mit Vignetten/ProLernen“, gefördert von Erasmus-Plus (2020-2022)
Projekt „Teaching the Global Goals: Exploring synergies between teacher education programmes and the Sustainable Development Goals – Teach4Reach“, gefördert von AfricaUniNet/BMBWF (2021-2023)
Selected publications:
Agostini, E. (2020). Aisthesis – Pathos –Ethos. Zur Heranbildung einer pädagogischen Achtsamkeit und Zuwendung im professionellen Lehrer/-innenhandeln. Erfahrungsorientierte Bildungsforschung Bd 6. Innsbruck, Wien: StudienVerlag.
Francesconi, D., Symeonidis, V. & Agostini, E. (2021). FridaysForFuture as an Enactive Network. Collective Agency for the Transition Toward Sustainable Development. Frontiers in Education, 4(636067), 1-10. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2021.636067
Jesacher-Roessler, L. A. J. & Agostini, E. (2021). Responsive Leadership within Professional Learning Networks for Sustainable Professional Learning. Professional Development in Education, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2021.1950812
Reitinger, J. & Proyer, M. (2021). Navigation zwischen Selbstbestimmung, sozialer Interaktion und Zwang – Studentisches Lernen im digitalen Raum in Zeiten der Pandemie. In S. Krause, I. M. Breinbauer & M. Proyer (Hrsg.), Corona bewegt – auch die Bildungswissenschaft. Bildungswissenschaftliche Reflexionen aus Anlass einer Pandemie (S. 117-136). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Reitinger, J., Pürstinger, A., & Oyrer, S. (2021). ‚CrEEd for Future Schools‘. An actualization of the school improvement concept CrEEd for Schools in consideration of epochal key problems. #schule verantworten, 3, 36-51.
Reitinger, J., Nausner, E., & Seyfried, C. (2020). Pass/Fail-Beurteilung, Ziffernzensur und Lernerleben in der Lehramtsausbildung. Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand [Teacher Education under Review], 13(2), 199-217.