Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Schulte

Institut für Bildungswissenschaft
Sensengasse 3a
4. Stock / 04.10
A-1090 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 4277 46753

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Lehrveranstaltungen (u:find)

Curriculum Vitae

Publikationen und Aktivitäten (u:cris)

Research Areas:

  • Education as national and global instrument of governance – including: deregulation, privatization, and marketization of education; PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) as policy tool
  • Education in developing contexts – in particular, South-South cooperation and China’s engagement in Africa
  • Education, innovation and new technologies – including the use of ICT4E (information and communication technologies for education) in impoverished/disadvantaged areas
  • Education, migration and ethnic minorities, with regional focus on Southwest China

"By understanding how the school and the society interact under different circumstances across the world, we hope to contribute to greater educational quality and equality, and thereby to greater social justice." (Barbara Schulte)




u:cris - Publikationen von Prof. Barbara Schulte

Schulte B. Joining Forces to Save the Nation : Corporate Educational Governance in Republican China. in Hsu JYJ, Hasmath R, Hrsg., The Chinese corporatist state : adaption, survival and resistance. London: Routledge. 2012. S. 10-28. (Routledge Contemporary China Series, Band 92).

Schulte B. Webs of borrowing and lending: social networks in vocational education in Republican China. in Steiner-Khamsi G, Waldow F, Hrsg., Policy borrowing and lending in education. Routledge. 2012. S. 95-117. (World yearbook of education ; Nr. 2012).

Schulte B. Domesticating Global Desires: Private Schools in Urban China. 2011. Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal, Kanada.

Schulte B. The Chinese Dewey: Friend, Fiend, and Flagship. in Bruno-Jofre R, Schriewer J, Hrsg., The Global Reception of John Dewey's Thought: Multiple Refractions through Time and Space. New York, NY [u.a.]: Routledge. 2011. S. 83-115. (Routledge international studies in the philosophy of education, Band 28).

Schulte B. Governing Education in Urban China: New Spaces and New Challenges. 2010. Beitrag in China's Rapid Urbanization , Peking, China.

Schulte B. Negotiating Global Ideologies: Governance of Education in the People's Republic of China. 2010. Beitrag in Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, USA / Vereinigte Staaten.

Schulte B. Soft Knowledge Gone Hard: Chinese Cultural Linguistics in the 1990s. 2010. Beitrag in Soft knowledge in hard times?, Copenhagen, Dänemark.

Schulte B. El Dewey Chino: Amigo, demonio y buque insignia. Encounters on Education. 2009;10:67-101. doi: 10.24908/eoe-ese-rse.v10i0.2151