Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Helga Fasching
Department of Education
Sensengasse 3a
3rd floor/ O3.11
1090 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 4277 46803
eFax: +43 1 4277 846803
Office hours: Tuesdays 12.00-13.00h or arranged per email
Courses of current and past terms.
Main Research:
- Inclusive Education
- Transition between school and work
- Job related participation
- Educational and vocational inequality research
- Systemic counseling and therapy concepts
- Qualitative research methods
- Participative research
Research Topics:
- Inclusive Transitions (from school – vocational training – employment of persons with different disabilities)
- Research on collaborations between professionals and parents/their children (participative transition planning)
- Intersectional research / research on inequality (disability, gender, migration)
- Systemic concepts in educational, psychosocial and therapeutic field of work
- Quality management and evaluation of innovative measures of vocational integration
- Qualitative research methods (Reflecting teams, participative Research)
Board member of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Alternate reporter for the scientific discipline Humanities and Social Sciences specifically for Psychology and Educational Sciences.