SCU4Change / Educational roadmap for transformative agency

29.12.2022 - 30.12.2025

Connecting School, Community and University for social change

Erasmus+. KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education. Call 2022.

The main purpose of the project is to design a collaborative and sustainable "roadmap" to make visible and promote school practices aimed at facing contemporary social problems from the perspective of social and educational change, through collaboration between secondary schools, communities, and universities.

In this way, and from a bottom-up logic, it seeks to put into dialogue the already existing transforming knowledge and praxis in schools to build, from collaborative and synergistic school/community/university work, a sustainable approach to implement projects aimed at social change.


The specific objectives of the project are:

(1) to design, implement and disseminate transformative educational projects that address contemporary social problems and connect secondary schools with communities and the university, (2) reposition the idea of a transformative agency that enables young people to see themselves as actors and citizens with the capacity to influence the society in which they live, (3) promote authentic learning about contemporary social and environmental issues at school, assuming that these constitute a challenge to build a common future and (4) explore how digital resources can support the development of content and transformative agency between schools, universities and communities, as well as between teachers and students.


 Participating institutions:

  • University of Oslo (Norway, coordinator)
  • University of Barcelona (Spain)
  • University of Vienna (Austria)
  • Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile)

Vienna research team:

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Schulte (coord.)
  • Lic. Mag. Dr. Cristina Alarcón López
  • Katharina Thyri, BA
  • Leonhard Ditachmair, BSc
  • Lucy Martin, BA