Publications Vienna Media Education


Schmölz A, Payrhuber A. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND MASS COURSES – BLENDED LEARNING IN PRACTISE. In EDULEARN09 Proceedings. Unknown publisher. 2009. p. 4090-4099

Swertz C, Frick E-M. Serious Games in Environmental Education: Potentials and Limitations. In Proceedings of the Hawaii international conference on education (HICE 2009). Honolulu. 2009. p. 4675-4686

Frick E-M, Swertz C. The Influence of Youth Culture on Preferred Digital Game Genres in Austria. In Proceedings of the Hawaii international conference on education. Unknown publisher. 2009. p. 4687-4702


Swertz C. Bildungstechnologische Medienpädagogik. In Hugger K-U, Sander U, von Gross F, editors, Handbuch Medienpädagogik. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2008. p. 66-74

Swertz C. Bildungstechnologische Medienpädagogik. In Handbuch Medienpädagogik. 2008. p. 66-74 doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-91158-8_7

Swertz C. Hinweise zur einer Theorie der Medienpädgogik. In Blaschitz E, Seibt M, editors, Medienbildung in Österreich. Münster: LIT Verlag. 2008. p. 42-51

Swertz C, Schultz R, Toifl K. Language Teaching in Live Online Environments: The LANCELOT approach. In Mariott RDCV, editor, Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition. Hershey: IGI Global. 2008. p. 509-523

Swertz C. STEP Online. In Mettinger A, editor, eLearning-Schwerpunktprojekte an den Fakultäten & Zentren der Universität Wien 2004, 2005 und 2006. Wien: Universität Wien. 2008. p. 33-33

Czejkowska A, Swertz C. The decomposition of privacy: The shift of power in virtual learning rooms. In Kommers P, editor, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008: Algarve, Portugal, April 9 - 12, 2008. IADIS Press. 2008. p. 597-601

Swertz C. The educational modeling language in practice: individualisation of content. In Kommers P, editor, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008: Algarve, Portugal, April 9 - 12, 2008. IADIS Press. 2008. p. 610-611


Swertz C, (ed.), Motteram G, (ed.), Gonul SS, (ed.), Philp H, (ed.). LANCELOT Ausbildungshandbuch. Unknown publisher, 2007. 276 p.

Swertz C, (ed.), Motteram G, (ed.), Gonul SS, (ed.), Philp H, (ed.). LANCELOT Begleitmaterial. Unknown publisher, 2007. 104 p.

Swertz C, (ed.), Motteram G, (ed.), Gonul SS, (ed.), Philp H, (ed.). LANCELOT Course Handbook. Unknown publisher, 2007. 25 p.

Motteram G, (ed.), Swertz C, (ed.), Gonul SS, (ed.), Philp H, (ed.). LANCELOT Kurshandbuch., 2007. 28 p.

Swertz C, (ed.), Motteram G, (ed.), Gonul SS, (ed.), Philp H, (ed.). LANCELOT Teacher Manual. Unknown publisher, 2007. 194 p.