Publications Vienna Media Education


Schmölz A, Gyabak K. Adventure Web 2.0: Exploring the Possibilities of New Media Tools in Creating Dynamic & Engaging Online Learning Experiences. In Sanchez J, Zhang K, editors, Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, . Chesapeake, VA: AACE. 2010. p. 1019-1023

Swertz C, Wagner M. Game\\Play\\Society. In Swertz C, Wagner M, editors, Game - play - society : contributions to contemporary computer game studies. München: Kopaed Verlag. 2010. p. 9-13

Swertz C, (ed.), Wagner M, (ed.). Game\\Play\\Society: Contributions to contemporary Computer Game Studies. München: Kopaed Verlag, 2010. 294 p.

Schmölz A, Payrhuber A, Hahn D. Instructional Design and eDidactic: A student-centered approach for first-year students. In Herrington J, Hunter B, editors, Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Chesapeake: AACE. 2010. p. 374-379

Swertz C, Duhan I, Ebner E, Ilkic A, Reiterer E. Video game addiction in Austria: Perspectives on a complex phenomenon. In Swertz C, Wagner M, editors, Game, play, society: Contributions to contemporary Computer Game Studies. München: Kopaed Verlag. 2010. p. 277-288


Schmoelz A, Payrhuber A. Mass courses in the initial study phase - Blended learning and homogenization. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009. Vol. 2. 2009. p. 59-63

Payrhuber A, Schmölz A. Angeleitetes Selbstlernen in Großvorlesungen. In eBologna 2010 und darüber hinaus: Kompetenzorientierung, Studierendenzentrierung, Open Content und Standards. Unknown publisher. 2009. p. 52-55

Schmölz A, Payrhuber A. Blended Learning – Competence building in Mass Courses. In E­Learn 2009 proceedings. Unknown publisher. 2009

Swertz C, Frick E-M. Digital Games in Austrian Youth Culture. An analysis of quantitative Data with qualitative methods. In Proceedings of the Hawaii international conference on education. Unknown publisher. 2009. p. 3625-3626

Payrhuber A, Schmölz A. Massenlehrveranstaltungen mit Blended-Learning-Szenarien in der Studieneingangsphase als Herausforderung für Lehrende und Studierende. In Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter. Waxmann Verlag. 2009. p. 162-172

Swertz C. Narren und Könige: Der Gebildete im Spannungsfeld von Wahnsinn und Macht. In Kubac R, editor, Weitermachen? : Einsätze theoretischer Erziehungswissenschaft. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2009. p. 152-164