
Please register via

for participation in the conference.


  • Participation on site regular: 180,-
  • On-site participation for DGfE members: 150,-
  • Reduced participation on site: 40,-
  • Online participation regular: 30,-
  • Online participation for DgfE members: 20,-
  • Online participation reduced: 0,-

For data protection reasons, we recommend paying the participation fees in cash. If you would like to transfer the conference fee, please use the account of the University of Vienna with IBAN AT08 3200 0000 0067 5447, BIC RLNWATWW and the reference DP467029 - Medienpädagogik.

Section members in qualification phases (e.g. doctoral candidates) who are either currently without employment or cannot settle travel expenses via their institution are invited to submit applications for reimbursement of travel expenses to the Executive Board of the Section for Media Education (contact via the Chair of the Executive Board) by 15 August 2023. Depending on the relevant justification, the number of applications and the size of the available budget, travel expenses will be granted in full or on a pro rata basis (up to a maximum of €300 per person). The Executive Board provides a form for applications.