Research Projects
We research cooperatively, creatively - and we appreciate your interest.
Potential of transformative learning theory for teachers' professional development
Schrittesser, I. & Pantzer, T.
1/12/18 → 30/11/20
Project: Research funding
SOLVINC: Solving intercultural conflicts with international students
Schwab, S., Resch, K. & Knapp, M.
1/11/18 → 31/10/20
Project: Educational funding
INKIGA: Inklusion in niederösterreichischen Landeskindergärten
Biewer, G., Kreuter, L., Husny, M., Möhlen, L. & Steigmann, F.
1/10/18 → 30/09/20
Project: Research funding
European STudent Engagement Project
Schrittesser, I., Resch, K., Knapp, M. & Hoyer-Neuhold, A.
1/09/18 → 28/02/21
Project: Educational funding
Preconditions of Transformation of Education Process in different Educational Contexts by applying Inclusive Education Strategies
Biewer, G., Proyer, M. & Kremsner, G.
1/09/18 → 31/08/21
Project: Educational funding
Promoting social responsability of students by embedding service learning within HEIs curricula
Schrittesser, I., Resch, K., Knapp, M. & Hoyer-Neuhold, A.
1/09/18 → 31/08/21
Project: Educational funding
R/EQUAL: Requalification of (recently) immigrated and refugee teachers in Europe
1/09/18 → 1/03/21
Project: Educational funding
Talking borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange
Venken, M.
1/04/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research funding
ZwischenWeltenüberSetzen. Zur Rekonstruktion biographischer Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen geflüchteter Jugendlicher im Zugehörigkeitsraum Schule
Dausien, B., Thoma, N., Alpagu, F. & Draxl, A.
1/10/17 → 30/09/19
Project: Research funding
INEDIS: Inclusion in Education for Persons with Disabilities
Biewer, G., Proyer, M., Reisenbauer, S. & Bilgeri, M.
1/03/17 → 29/02/20
Project: Educational funding
ACCORD: Attain Cultural Integration through Conflict Resolution Development
Swertz, C., Scheidl, S. & Schmölz, A.
31/12/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Educational funding
Pathways to the Future - The Social Integration of Young People in Vienna
Flecker, J., Astleithner, F., Jesser, A., Kazepov, Y. A. K., Kogler, R., Malschinger, P., Mataloni, B., Mijic, A., Molina Xaca, C., Neuhauser, J., Parzer, M., Petrik, T., Pohn-Lauggas, M., Reinprecht, C., Schels, B. K., Schlechter, M., Schmidt, A., Steiber, N., Valls Casas, O., Vogl, S., Wöhrer, V., Zartler, U. & Rieder, I.
1/12/16 → 31/12/22
Project: Research cooperation
Regeln, Rituale und das Belastungserleben im Prozess der Eingewöhnung in den Kindergarten
1/07/15 → 30/06/17
Project: Research funding
Richter, R., Zartler, U., Schadler, C., Schmidt, E., Rieder, I., Berghammer, C. & Frotzler, B.
1/02/13 → 31/01/17
Project: Research funding