Research Projects

We research cooperatively, creatively - and we appreciate your interest.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 51

Qualifizierung von Lehrkräften mit Fluchthintergrund

Proyer, M. & Palka, B.

Project: Research funding

Ableism, the dis/ability binary and beyond

More, R. & Proyer, M.


Project: Research funding

How publication processes influence results

Schadler, C.


Project: Research funding

Eine multiperspektivische Studie zu den Deutschförderklassen

Schwab, S., Hassani, S., Gitschthaler, M., Proyer, M., Lüftenegger, M., Ender, A., Öztürk, N., Kandil, F. & Peter, A.


Project: Research funding

LGBTQ Activism and Mental Health in the Post-Yugoslav Space

Grenz, S. & Bilic, B.


Project: Research funding

Cov_enable: Re-Imagining vulnerabilities in times of crises

Proyer, M.


Project: Research funding

Academic and socio-emotional development of students with learning disabilities in their transition

Schwab, S., Gitschthaler, M., Proyer, M., Zurbriggen, C., Corazza, R. & Lindner, K.


Project: Research funding

English Language Learning & Neurodiversity

Proyer, M., Hüttner, J., Schlick, M., Gotling, N. & Petritsch, M.


Project: Educational funding

ITIRE: Improving teaching to improving refugee education

Proyer, M., Subasi Singh, S., Möhlen, L. & Pellech, C.


Project: Educational funding

Potential of transformative learning theory for teachers' professional development

Schrittesser, I. & Pantzer, T.


Project: Research funding

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 51