7. Local organisational committee and contact addresses


The following members of the research unit “Psychoanalysis and Education” of the Department of Education of the University of Vienna are responsible for the organisation of the conference in cooperation with national and international institutions:


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried Datler; ao Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Gstach; Mag. Christin Reisenhofer BA, MA; Mag. Sonja Scheidl; Bernadette Strobl BA, MA; Mag. Studener-Kuras, MA, MBAes ; Mag. Susanna Wiedermann BA



Email addresses of contact persons:

susanna.wiedermann@univie.ac.at, sonja.scheidl@univie.ac.at


Postal address:

Research unit Psychoanalysis and Education

Department of Education of the University of Vienna

Sensengasse 3a

A-1090 Vienna
