Mit anderen Augen sehen

Tina Obermayr, Jacqueline Hackl, Sahar Hashemi, Kamal Alyouzbashi, Michelle Proyer

The initiators of the Viennese Certificate Course Educational Basics for Displaced Teachers are looking back on three completed courses with a total of 71 alumni. A fitting moment to ‘pause’ and, in the sense of a critical-reflective hindsight, to focus on fundamental questions regarding the legitimacy of the establishment of such a programme. Also considering weaknesses and, linked to this, to reflect on blind spots that may have arisen (over the years); to dare in this way to look at and into those areas that ultimately led to the fading of an initial euphoria associated with the program’s idea. With the help of collective memory work
according to Haug (1999), and together with participants from a participatory research group consisting of alumni, the gaps that the course measure has left in the retrospective will be questioned.

Department of Education, Department for Teacher Education
348 - 361
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
503034 Inclusive education, 503025 School pedagogy
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 4 - Quality Education
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