Showing entries 26 - 50 out of 292
Meta-Analytics - Meta- and Matheuristics meet Analytics - State of the Art and Future Research Directions in the Field of Inventory Routing
Karl Franz Dörner
Prescriptive Analytics - 3. Veranstaltung Softwarepark Hagenberg IT-Expert*innenreihe
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
10.6.2021 - 10.6.2021
A large-scale waste collection problem
Alina-Gabriela Müller
EURO WISDOM Webinar: YoungWomen4OR
Talk or oral contribution
31.5.2021 - 31.5.2021
Concepts for solving large-scale routing problems
Alina-Gabriela Dragomir
EURO WISDOM Webinar: YoungWomen4OR
Talk or oral contribution
31.5.2021 - 31.5.2021
ICNVS 2021: 8th International Conference on Variable NeighborhoodSearch
Alina-Gabriela Dragomir
ICNVS 2021: 8th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood<br/>Search
Participation in ...
21.3.2021 - 25.3.2021
Simulation-based replacement line and headway optimization
David Schmaranzer
Winter Simulation Conference 2020
Talk or oral contribution
18.12.2020 - 18.12.2020
Stacking and transporting steel slabs using high-capacity vehicles
Biljana Roljic
Sebastian Leitner
Karl Franz Dörner
International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
Talk or oral contribution
25.11.2020 - 25.11.2020
Optimizing the logistics of Voestalpine's steel plant
Biljana Roljic
Science Day 2020
Poster presentation
8.10.2020 - 8.10.2020
CPAIOR 2020 - 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
Alina-Gabriela Dragomir
CPAIOR 2020 - 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
Participation in ...
21.9.2020 - 24.9.2020
Machine Learning-based Queuing Model Regression - Example Selection, Feature Engineering and the Role of Traffic Intensity
Roland Braune
CPAIOR 2020 - 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2020 - 24.9.2020
Central European Journal of Operations Research (Journal)
Alina-Gabriela Müller
Publication peer-review
.9.2020 - .9.2020
Central European Journal of Operations Research (Journal)
Alina-Gabriela Müller
Publication peer-review
.4.2020 - .4.2020
Logistics Research Austria - Panel
Alina-Gabriela Dragomir
Logistics Research Austria - Panel
Panel discussion, round table,
Participation in ...
12.2.2020 - 12.2.2020
Classification-based algorithm selection for a multiprocessor scheduling problem
Roland Braune
9th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2019)
Talk or oral contribution
15.12.2019 - 15.12.2019
The Active-Passive Vehicle Routing Problem: A Large Neighborhood Search and Problem Extension
Biljana Roljic
SynchroTrans 2019: Second International Workshop on Synchronization in Transport
Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2019 - 10.9.2019
Machine learning-based queuing model regression - example selection, feature engineering and the role of traffic intensity
Roland Braune
Operations Research 2019
Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2019 - 5.9.2019
Multi-objective simulation-based headway optimization for the Viennese subway network
David Schmaranzer
Operations Research 2019
Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2019 - 5.9.2019
Solving a Rich Intra-facility Steel Slab Routing and Stacking Problem
Biljana Roljic
Operations Research 2019
Talk or oral contribution
4.9.2019 - 4.9.2019
The PDP with alternative locations and overlapping time windows
Alina-Gabriela Dragomir
Tom Van Woensel
Karl Franz Dörner
7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Talk or oral contribution
17.7.2019 - 17.7.2019
7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
David Schmaranzer
7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Participation in ...
15.7.2019 - 18.7.2019
7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Karl Franz Dörner
7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Organisation of ...
15.7.2019 - 18.7.2019
A Large Neighborhood Search for the Active-Passive Vehicle Routing Problem
Biljana Roljic
EURO 2019
Talk or oral contribution
26.6.2019 - 26.6.2019
Metaheuristics for the Multi-objective and Periodic Node, Edge, Arc Routing Problem considering Costs and Route Inconsistency
Karl Franz Dörner
EURO 2019
Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2019 - 25.6.2019
Multi-objective multimodal routing: A metaheuristic solution approach
David Wolfinger
EURO 2019
Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2019 - 25.6.2019