Showing entries 276 - 292 out of 292
Extracting test sequences from a Markov Usage Model by using ACO.
Karl Franz Dörner
Third Workshop on Software Engineering Using Metaheuristic Innovative Algorithms (SEMINAL 2003).
Talk or oral contribution
15.9.2003 - 15.9.2003
Artikelanordnung bei Mann-zur-Ware Kommissionierung.
Karl Franz Dörner
International Conference on Operations Research, Heidelberg 2003
Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2003 - 3.9.2003
An Ant System Metaheuristic for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem.
Karl Franz Dörner
The Fifth Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003).
Talk or oral contribution
25.8.2003 - 25.8.2003
Pareto Ant Colony Optimization in Multiobjective Portfolio Selection with LP Preprocessing.
Karl Franz Dörner
EURO Summer Institute - ESI XXI 2003
Talk or oral contribution
25.7.2003 - 25.7.2003
Extracting test sequences from a Markov Usage Model by using ACO.
Karl Franz Dörner
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2003)
Talk or oral contribution
12.7.2003 - 12.7.2003
Stochastic Branch and Bound for Workflow Optimisation
Christine Strauss
Karl Franz Dörner
Walter Gutjahr
Gabriele Kotsis
Martin Polaschek
XVI Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization
Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2003 - 7.6.2003
Scheduling blood collecting vehicles for the Austrian Red Cross.
Karl Franz Dörner
Second International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2003).
Talk or oral contribution
27.5.2003 - 27.5.2003
Lösung eines Tourenplanungsproblems mit abhängigen Zeitfenstern am Beispiel der Blutspendeaktionen des Österreichischen Roten Kreuz.
Karl Franz Dörner
Talk or oral contribution
30.4.2003 - 30.4.2003
Lösung eines Tourenplanungsproblems mit abhängigen Zeitfenstern am Beispiel der Blutspendeaktionen des Österreichischen Roten Kreuz.
Karl Franz Dörner
Seminar talk at the 1st OEGOR working group meeting Production and Logistics
Talk or oral contribution
31.3.2003 - 31.3.2003
Ant Colony Optimization for Vehicle Routing Problems.
Karl Franz Dörner
Seminar talk at the Institute of Software Science at the University of Vienna
Talk or oral contribution
17.12.2002 - 17.12.2002
Ant Colony Optimization.
Karl Franz Dörner
Talk or oral contribution
10.12.2002 - 10.12.2002
Insertion Based Ants for Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls and Time Windows.
Karl Franz Dörner
Third International Workshop on Ant Algorithms (ANTS 2002).
Talk or oral contribution
11.9.2002 - 11.9.2002
VRP with interdependent Time Windows – A Case study for the Austrian Red Cross blood programme.
Karl Franz Dörner
International Conference on Operations Research, Klagenfurt 2002
Talk or oral contribution
2.9.2002 - 2.9.2002
SavingsAnts for the Vehicle Routing Problem
Karl Franz Dörner
EvoWorkshops 2002: EvoCOP
Talk or oral contribution
3.4.2002 - 3.4.2002
Ant Colony Optimization in Multiobjective Portfolio Selection
Karl Franz Dörner
The Fourth Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2001)
Talk or oral contribution
7.7.2001 - 7.7.2001
Are COMPET-ANTS more competent for problem solving? – the case of a routing and scheduling problem (Poster presentation).
Karl Franz Dörner
Talk or oral contribution
7.7.2001 - 7.7.2001
Ants Solve Time Constrained Pickup and Delivery Problems with Full Truckloads.
Karl Franz Dörner
International Conference on Operations Research, Dresden 2000
Talk or oral contribution
7.7.2000 - 7.7.2000
Showing entries 276 - 292 out of 292