Showing entries 251 - 275 out of 292
Approaching the Pareto Frontier of the Multi-Objective Dial-a-Ride Problem
Karl Franz Dörner
Route 2007: International Workshop on Vehicle Routing, Intermodal Transportation and related areas
Talk or oral contribution
13.5.2007 - 13.5.2007
A Population-Based Local Search for Solving a Bi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem
Karl Franz Dörner
EvoCOP 2007 - Seventh European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation
Talk or oral contribution
11.4.2007 - 11.4.2007
Solving a Bi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem by Pareto-Ant Colony Optimization
Karl Franz Dörner
Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms – SLS 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Hybridization of exact methods and metaheuristics for solving full truck load problems for ready-mixed concrete
Karl Franz Dörner
International Workshop on Distribution Logistics 2006
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2006 - 2.10.2006
Full truck load problems in the concrete industry
Karl Franz Dörner
Operations Research 2006
Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2006 - 6.9.2006
Hybridization of exact methods and metaheuristics for solving full truck load problems for ready-mixed concrete
Karl Franz Dörner
Matheuristics 2006 1st Workshop on Mathematical Contributions to Metaheuristics
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2006 - 27.8.2006
Savings based Ants for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints
Karl Franz Dörner
Network Optimization Workshop 2006
Talk or oral contribution
22.8.2006 - 22.8.2006
Metaheuristics for VRPs with loading constraints
Karl Franz Dörner
21st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI) 2006
Talk or oral contribution
2.7.2006 - 2.7.2006
A MAX-MIN Ant System for Unconstrained Multi-Level Lot Sizing Problems
Karl Franz Dörner
INFORMS international meeting 2006
Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2006 - 25.6.2006
Delivery Strategies for Periodic Blood Products Supplies
Karl Franz Dörner
Odysseus 2006 Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2006 - 23.5.2006
A Variable Neighborhood Search for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Intermediate Facilities
Karl Franz Dörner
Network Optimization Workshop 2006
Talk or oral contribution
..2006 - ..
MIC VI - Metaheuristics International Conference
Karl Franz Dörner
MIC VI - Metaheuristics International Conference
Organisation of ...
22.8.2005 - 26.8.2008
Stochastic Local Search Procedures for the Probabilistic Two Day Vehicle Routing Problem.
Karl Franz Dörner
Optimization Days, Quebec City 2005
Talk or oral contribution
10.5.2005 - 10.5.2005
Cooperative Ant colony Optimization on Clusters and Grids.
Karl Franz Dörner
PAREO 2005 – Fourth International Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Parallel Processing in Operations Research.
Talk or oral contribution
16.1.2005 - 16.1.2005
Computers & Operations Research (Journal)
Karl Franz Dörner
Editor of journal or series
..2005 - ..
Computers & Operations Research (Journal)
Karl Franz Dörner
Editor of journal or series
..2005 - ..
Blutkonserventransportlogistik des Österreichischen Roten Kreuzes.
Karl Franz Dörner
Seminar talk at the 4th OEGOR working group meeting OR in Health Care
Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2004 - 16.9.2004
Column Generation fpr Bin Packing Problems
Karl Franz Dörner
5th EuroSim Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Paris, France
Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2004 - 6.9.2004
Solving the Packing and Routing Problem for Wood Products Deliveries.
Karl Franz Dörner
TraLog – Transportation and Logistics.
Talk or oral contribution
25.8.2004 - 25.8.2004
Ant Packing – ACO for the One-dimensional bin packing problem.
Karl Franz Dörner
Seminar at the University of Bologna/Cesena
Talk or oral contribution
21.7.2004 - 21.7.2004
Ant Colony Optimization fuer das Eindimensionale Bin Packing Problem.
Karl Franz Dörner
Seminar talk at the 1st OEGOR working group meeting Metaheuristics.
Talk or oral contribution
26.6.2004 - 26.6.2004
A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem.
Karl Franz Dörner
V Tristan Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
Talk or oral contribution
13.6.2004 - 13.6.2004
Solving the Dynamic Stochastic TSPTW by using Ant Colony Optimization and the Q-Learning Technique.
Karl Franz Dörner
CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Banff 2004
Talk or oral contribution
16.5.2004 - 16.5.2004
AntPacking - An Ant Colony Optimization Approach for the One-dimensional Bin Packing Problem
Karl Franz Dörner
EvoCOP Conference 2004
Talk or oral contribution
5.4.2004 - 5.4.2004
Parallel Ant Systems for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.
Karl Franz Dörner
EvoCOP Conference 2004
Talk or oral contribution
5.4.2004 - 5.4.2004
Showing entries 251 - 275 out of 292