Finalized Research Projects


PI: Matthias Huber

Title: The Significance of Emotion in transitioning from School to University

Goal: This project is dedicated to the value of emotions for educational careers and the decisions that lead to such trajectories at the transition from secondary to tertiary education. Two core aspects form the center of this project: one is the students' perspective of the meaning and relevance of emotional markers for the beginning and reflection of such educational career decisions; the second concerns influencing factors and ideas about the students' own life and learning histories that constitute these emotional markers.

Time frame: 2016-2019


PI: Marina Tomic Hensel

Title: (PhD-project): Education as a public good – Analysis of the effects of Austrian university politics on the concept of higher education as a public good in the context of economic transformations

Goal: My research aim is to look at the developments in Austrian university politics since the 1980s – mostly interpreted as “economization” – in order to understand them in their complexity and to analyze the effects these developments/transformations have on the concept of higher education being a public good.

Time frame: 2017-2019