Mag. Dr. phil. Alessandro Barberi

likes his coffee as an Irish coffee.

Alessandro Barberi has been assistant at the Vienna Media Education in the section for education, biography and media at the department of education at the University of Vienna since October 2010. He is editor in chief of the Journal Media Impulses. He is also chair of the section media education of ÖFEB, full member of DGfE and member of AERA.


Festnetz: +43-1-4277-46772

Sensengasse 3a
3rd floor/room 03.05
1090 Vienna

Current projects: Media Impulses
Closed Projects: Praxeologies and Homöostasis, International Mobility, INTUITEL, expertise on prescientific work (Sparkling Science)  

Curriculum Vitae

1996-97 studied History in Paris at the Sorbonne (Paris 4)

1999 Master in History (with a combination of subjects: literature, philosophy, political science) at the University of Vienna

2001-2004 Academic Teacher at the Institute of Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna

2003/2005 Scientific Assistant/Scholarship Holder at the Faculty of Media at the Bauhaus-University Weimar

2009-2011 Spokesperson of the BSA (Association of Social Democratic Academics, Intellectuals and Artists)

Since 2010 Chief Editor of MEDIENIMPULSE

Since 2010 Scientific Assistant (Vienna Media Education) at the Department of Education at the University of Vienna

2018 Completion of doctoral studies in education at the philosophy faculty of RWTH Aachen – Title of Thesis: „Performanz und Medienkompetenz. Dieter Baackes Grundlegung der Medienpädagogik als Diskurspragmatik“ – Overall Assessment: summa cum laude



Barberi A, Missomelius P, Nida-Rümelin J, Schmölz A, Werthner H. Editorial MEDIENIMPULSE 02/2021: Digitaler Humanismus. Medienimpulse: Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik. 2021 Jun 21;59(2):1-20. doi: 10.21243/mi-02-21-27

Barberi A. Identitätsmerkmale, Leitlinien und Traditionen. Eine historische Mission …. In Weinstabl C, Müller B, editors, Sozialdemokratische Außenpolitik? – Aktuelle Antworten auf neue und alte Fragen. Promedia Verlag. 2021. p. 27-35


Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 57

Medienhandeln angesichts des Digitalen Kapitalismus

Alessandro Barberi
Talk or oral contribution
9.1.2024 - 9.1.2024

Zwischen Medienkompetenz und Medienperformanz. Zu Grundkonzepten der Medienpädagogik und der Medienbildung

Alessandro Barberi
Talk or oral contribution
15.6.2023 - 15.6.2023

Informatik, Medienpädagogik und Digitale Grundbildung? Inter- und transdiziplinäre Perspektiven

Alessandro Barberi , Josef Buchner , Caroline Grabensteiner , Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann , Fares Kayali , Christian Swertz
ÖFEB Konferenz 2023
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.6.2023 - .6.2023

(Re)Construction(s) of Disability and Vulnerability in Media “Realities” during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Alessandro Barberi
Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2023 - 12.5.2023

The possibility of a non-normalizing politics of solidarity

Michael Doblmair , Alessandro Barberi
Talk or oral contribution
10.5.2023 - 10.5.2023

Einführung in Medien und Gesellschaft 1 & 2

Alessandro Barberi
Talk or oral contribution
21.3.2023 - 28.3.2023

(Re)Konstruktion(en) von Vulnerabilität und Behinderung in medialen „Wirklichkeiten“ in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie

Alessandro Barberi , Sabine Mandl , Sabine Mandl
Inklusion, Demokratie und Chancengerechtigkeit aus einer interdisziplinären und internationalen Perspektive
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
11.2.2023 - 11.2.2023

Medienkompetenz, Medialer Habitus & Medienhandeln

Alessandro Barberi
Talk or oral contribution
6.12.2022 - 6.12.2022

Zwischen Normalität, Normierungen und Normativität: Wissenschaft als Beruf?

Alessandro Barberi , Verena Walterbach
Talk or oral contribution
11.11.2022 - 11.11.2022

Zwischen Philosophie und Medienpädagogik – Vom (digitalen) Habitus zur Demokratiegefährdung

Alessandro Barberi
IMST Tagung 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.9.2022 - 26.9.2022

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 57