Mag. Dr. Monika Lengauer
Department of Education
Gender Studies
Sensengasse 3a
A-1090 Vienna
Curriculum Vitae
Monika Lengauer studied Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna and is a trained mediator and trainer in adult education. From 2000-2002, she and Bernhard Hadolt carried out the research project "Crossings - unwanted childlessness and reproductive health in the light of new reproductive technologies" within gender research focus of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. 2006-2007 she was a researcher in the project "GEN-DIALOGUE - Neo-Socratic Dialogues for the Improvement of Genetic Counselling", at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. In 2009-2012 she worked as an external lecturer on flight migration and qualitative methods at different universities, including Sigmund Freud University Vienna and IK Vienna School of Governance.
Parallel to her scientific activities Monika Lengauer worked from 1999-2006, as well as from 2008-2013 in different functions in the field "Asylum & Integration" of the Caritas of the Archdiocese Vienna (supervision and counselling, pedagogical management, basic work and project development) as well as from 2013-2016 in programme development and basic work in Concordia social projects. Since 2017 she has been self-employed in evaluation, project and quality development for NPOs with a focus on educational as well as child and youth welfare institutions. In addition, she is co-founder of the association plurivers. Network feminist education and plurality which is active in non-university adult education and board member of FICE Austria.
Since 2019, she is researcher at the Department of Education at the University of Vienna (Research Unit Gender Studies) where she is working together with Barbara Grubner on the ÖNB-funded research project "Integration durch Wertevermittlung?“ that focuses on an empirically and practice-theoretically oriented analysis of so-called „value courses“ in Austria.