Mag. Dr. Barbara Grubner

Department of Education
Gender Studies
Sensengasse 3a / 02.09
A-1090 Vienna


Curriculum Vitae

Barbara Grubner studied cultural and social anthropology at the University of Vienna and wrote her Phd-theses about the compensation of female sexuality as recurrent topic in ethnographic accounts of the amazon lowlands. After working in social science research, evaluation projects and the department of gender equality of the University of Vienna, she worked in the Center for Gender Studies and Feminist Research at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, coordinating research projects, teaching and publications. Currently she is part of the project-team “REVERSE Crises of Gender Relations? Antifeminism as a Threat to Social Integration” at the University of Marburg, where she leads the case study “Ethnosexism. Antifeminist figurations after Cologne” together with Denise Bergold-Caldwell. Since 2004 she teaches Gender Studies and feminist theory at various universities in Austria and Germany (on critical cultural theories, feminist violence research, women's migration to the service sector, transnational sex/love/romance tourism). She is the co-founder of the association “plurivers. Network feminist education and plurality” that focusses also on non-university adult education.

Current Publications

Grubner, Barbara (2020): Subjekttheoretische Annäherungen an zeitgenössische Antifeminismen. In: Annette Henninger und Ursula Birsl (Hg.): Anti-Feminismen. ‚Krisen‘-Diskurse mit gesellschaftsspaltendem Potential? Bielefeld: transcript, S. 387-428 (gemeinsam mit Autorinnen-Kollektiv ‚Subjekt‘).

Grubner, Barbara (2018): Was bleibt von #Metoo? Denkanstöße aus der Debatte um sexualisierte Gewalt für die feministische Kritik. In: Stimme. Zeitschrift der Initiative Minderheiten, Nr. 107, Schwerpunkt Gleiche unter Gleichen. 100 Jahre Wahlrecht für Frauen, S. 13-16.

Grubner, Barbara; Grubner, Bernadette (2018): Wissenschaft, Leidenschaft und das Denken der sexuellen Differenz. Ein Zwischenruf. In: Feministische Studien 36 (1), S.117-133.

Publications (pdf)

Working priorities:

  • Feminist Theory
  • Theories of Culture (Social Science and Psychoanalysis)
  • Perspectives on antifeminism and racism in social theory
  • Theories of sexual difference
  • Feminist adult education