Ass.-Prof. Dr. Astrid Wirth

Professorship in Early Childhood Education

Department of Education
Sensengasse 3a
2nd floor/ room no. 2.16
1090 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 4277 46765


Office Hours: by appointment.


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Research topics

  • Home Learning Environment (Home Literacy/Numeracy Environment)
  • Early shared reading and reading promotion
  • Digital media in early childhood
  • Competency development in early childhood.

Curriculum Vitae

Important stations:
2007 - 2013 Studies of Psychology (Diploma) at the Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
2013 - 2016 Research associate at the University Hospitals Freiburg i.Br. and Mainz, Germany
2016 - 2019 Research associate at the Institute for Reading and Media Research, Stiftung Lesen, Mainz,
2019 - 2023 Research associate, doctoral student and post-doc at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich,
2020             Completion of doctoral dissertation on "Shared reading in the context of linguistic development
                      and the development of social-emotional competencies" at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
                      Munich, Germany 

Detailed Curriculum Vitae

Selected publications

Wirth, A., Lohr, A., Sailer, M. & Niklas, F. (2023). Digitales Niemandsland? Eine Bestandsaufnahme und Richtungsbestimmung zum Lernen mit digitalen Medien an deutschen Kindertagesstätten. In: Scheiter, K. & Gogolin, I.: Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft (Seiten 27-55). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, ZfE Edition.  
Wirth, A., Stadler, M., Birtwistle, E. & Niklas, F. (2023). New directions in the conceptualization and operationalization of the Home Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
Wirth, A., Birtwistle, E., Mues, A. & Niklas, F. (2022). Kinder spielerisch auf die Schule vorbereiten. Fähigkeitsentwicklung und Förderung im Vorschulalter. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Wirth, A., Ehmig, S.C. & Niklas, F. (2021). The role of the Home Literacy Environment for children’s linguistic and socio-emotional competencies development in the early years. Social Development, 1-16.
Wirth, A., Ehmig, S. C., Heymann, L., & Niklas, F. (2020). Promising interactive functions in digital storybooks for young children. In K. J. Rohlfing & C. Müller-Brauers (Eds.), International perspectives on digital media and early literacy (pp. 105-121). Routledge.
Wirth, A., Ehmig, S. C., Drescher, N., Guffler, S., & Niklas, F. (2020). Facets of the early home literacy environment and children’s linguistic and socioemotional competencies. Early Education and Development, 31(6), 892-909.
Wirth, A., Ehmig, S.C., Heymann, L., & Niklas, F. (2020). Das Vorleseverhalten von Eltern mit Kindern in den ersten drei Lebensjahren in Zusammenhang mit familiärer Lernumwelt und Sprachentwicklung. Frühe Bildung, 9, 26-32.