
Associated Media of Austro-Hungarian Zoological Education (AMAZE) – Zoological wallcharts and glass lantern slides at the University of Vienna

Frühkindliche Bildungsförderung:

Verbesserung der familiären Lernumwelt in Ungarn und Österreich (PI: Astrid Wirth)

FWF-Projekt (Pl: Rahel More)

Ableism, the dis/ability binary and beyond: A feminist intersectional approach to theory and digital activism

FWF-Projekt (PI: Hans Schildermans)

A University for the People. Colonial Frictions, Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Creation of the Future

Connecting School, Community and University for social change

FWF-Projekt (PI: Susanne Schwab)

„Eine multiperspektivische Studie zu den Deutschförderklassen"