MiVA - Media literacy at the primary age

Coordinator: Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Swertz

Team: Mag. Ursula Mutsch, Mag.a Sigrid Jones, MA

Duration: 2008-10-01 - 2012-02-01

Website: MiVa [Outdated link]

MiVA is a project of the Vienna Media Education, which has lasted for three years. This project researches the genesis of the educational media culture as an intervention process between pupils und teachers considering privat media practices. The hypothesis means, that the educational media culture could be understood as an interaction process of the media habitus between pupils and teachers.


Mutsch, Ursula; Jones, Sigrid; Swertz, Christian (2009): Die Relation
von Medienkultur und sozialer Schicht. Ergebnisse einer empirisch-quantitativen Fragebogenstudie bei Volksschulkindern und deren Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. In: Medienimpulse (2) [www.medienimpulse.at/articles/view/127, 1.6.2012].

Mutsch, Ursula; Schrammel, Sabrina, Jones, Sigrid (2010): Die Mediennutzung von Schulanfängerinnen und Schulanfängern. In: merzWissenschaft, Jg. 54, Nr. 6, S. 68 – 79.