Visiting Professors



Summer Term 2024
Prof. Dr. Christian Lindmeier

from Martin Luther University (Halle-Wittenberg) will teach two courses.

Summer Term 2021 Karolina Siegert

from Leibniz Universität Hannover will give two lectures.  

Summer Term 2018

Prof. Dr. Peter Rödler

from the Universität Koblenz-Landau will give two lectures.

Summer Term 2016

Linda Flynn-Wilson, PhD

from the University of New Orleans is this semester's visiting professor. She will give two lectures.

Wintersemester 2015/2016

Dr. Ilektra Spandagou

from the University of Sydney is this semester's visiting professor. She will give two lectures.

Academic Guests

Summer Term 2019:

Mag. Tizida Kassahun Gebremariam, Research Associate Dilla University Ethiopia

Mag. Reta Kumsa, Research Associate Ethiopia

Mag. Zelalem Wondimu  Research Associate Ethiopia

Winter Term 2017/2018:

Tizita Kassahun Gebremariam - Research Associate Dilla University Ethiopia

Abreha Haitezgi Gebremariam - Research Associate