Mag. Dr. phil. Alexander Schmölz, Bakk.

prefers his coffee best white and "gspritzt" or totally black. He is scientific assistant (post doc) at the department of media education in the Department of Education at the University of Vienna and managing director of Österreichischen Instituts für Berufsbildungsforschung (ÖIBF).

He does research and teaches in the field of digitalisation, digital competences and media didactics, among other things focusing on game based learning, creativity and inclusion. 

Landline: +43-1-4277-46746
efax: +43-1-4277-846746

Sensengasse 3a
3rd floor/room 03.12
1090 Wien

Current projects: Europa in der Krise - Digitale Inklusion 

Closed Projects: Intuitel, LD-SkillsWise Humanising Creativity 



Schmölz A, Proyer M, Pfeiffer D, Kremsner G, Camilleri V, Stouraitis E et al. IO1 eCrisis Framework. 2017.

Swertz C, Schmölz A, Barberi A, Forstner A, Heberle F. Learning Analytics by Didactic Factors. In Fuchs K, Henning PA, editors, Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL: An Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology-Enhanced Learning . Delft: River Publishers. 2017. p. 30-36. (River Publishers series in innovation and change in education, Vol. 15).

Barberi A, Schmoelz A. Medientheorien. In Schorb B, Hartung-Griemberg A, Dallmann C, editors, Grundbegriffe Medienpädagogik. 6., neu verfasste Auflage ed. München: Kopaed Verlag. 2017. p. 312-319

Swertz C, Schmölz A, Barberi A, Forstner A. Organized Teaching and Learning Processes. In Fuchs K, Henning PA, editors, Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL: An Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology-Enhanced Learning . Delft: River Publishers. 2017. p. 3-12. (River Publishers series in innovation and change in education, Vol. 15).

Swertz C, Schmölz A, Barberi A, Forstner A. Pedagogical Ontology and Reasoning. In Fuchs K, Henning PA, editors, Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL: An Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology-Enhanced Learning . Delft: River Publishers. 2017. p. 23-29. (River Publishers series in innovation and change in education, Vol. 15).

Swertz C, Schmölz A, Barberi A, Forstner A. The History of Adaptive Assistant Systems for Teaching and Learning. In Fuchs K, Henning PA, editors, Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL: An Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology-Enhanced Learning . Delft: River Publishers. 2017. p. 15-22. (River Publishers series in innovation and change in education, Vol. 15).


Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 27

Digital Culture & Education (Journal)

Elena Makarowa , Alexander Schmölz , Michelle Proyer , Gertraud Kremsner , Susanne Prummer , Stephanie Renggli
Editor of journal or series
..2021 - ..2021

Nicht ÜBER uns, nicht FÜR uns, sondern MIT uns.

Iris Grasel , Andreas Paukner , Alexander Schmölz
Niemanden zurücklassen - erfolgreiche Praxis und neue Notwendigkeiten der digitalen Inklusion im beruflichen Kontext morgen Dienstag
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2020 - ..2020

Evaluation of the Usability und Teaching Effectiveness of the ACCORD-Tools.

Pelin Yüksel Arslan , Christian Swertz , Alexander Schmölz
ECER 2019, “Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future”
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2019 - 3.9.2019

The Role of Teachers’ Multicultural Personality for Dealing with Conflict in Secondary School Classrooms.

Pelin Yüksel Arslan , Alexander Schmölz , Christian Swertz
ECER 2018 - European Conference on Educational Research
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
4.9.2018 - 4.9.2018

Lifeworlds as Contexts for Media Literacy. Media Habitus and Meaning Making in Mediated Biographies.

Christian Swertz , Alexander Schmölz , Wolfgang Benjamin Ruge , Alessandro Barberi
ECER 2017 European Conference on Educational Research
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
22.8.2017 - 25.8.2017

Inklusiver Unterricht mit Digitalen Spielen - eCrisis Framework

Michelle Proyer , Gertraud Kremsner , Alexander Schmölz
eCrisis Multiplier Event 2017
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
31.3.2017 - ..

Interpretationsgruppe Dokumentarische Methode

Julia Reischl , Alexander Schmölz
Interpretationsgruppe Dokumentarische Methode
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation of ...
3.3.2017 - ..


Michelle Proyer , Alexander Schmölz
eCrisis Multiplier Event 2016
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
21.10.2016 - 21.10.2016

Stop the Mob! Pre-service Teachers Designing a Serious Game to Challenge Bullying

Alexander Schmölz
Games and Learning Alliance
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.12.2015 - 11.12.2015

IKT-Werkzeuge zur Förderung von kreativ-emotionalem Schlussfolgern.

Alexander Schmölz
2. KidZ-Symposiums: Die Gurus sind wir. Oder: Transformation in der Tabakfabrik
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.3.2015 - 6.3.2015

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 27